In nearby Raleigh this month, the surviving family members of a 32-year-old woman who was killed in a fatal hit-and-run accident looked on as the man who killed their loved one offered them an apology for his actions. Despite the seemingly heartfelt apology, family members say they are no closer to finding out why he left the scene of the crash that fateful night.
The accident occurred New Year’s Day 2012 in downtown Raleigh. According to police, the 32-year-old woman was crossing the street when the man hit her with his pick-up truck. But instead of staying at the scene to assist the dying woman, investigators say he drove away.
It wasn’t until six days later that police connected the man to the fatal accident and took him into custody. He told police at the time of his arrest that the woman had jumped out in front of his truck when he hit her and that he thought she was a goner. He left, he said, because he didn’t want it to ruin the lives of his wife and daughter at the time.
Blood alcohol tests did indicate at the time that the 32-year-old woman was intoxicated when she entered the street outside of a crosswalk area. But even though the man had the right of way, some people in the neighborhood would argue that these are no excuses to be a negligent driver.
The woman’s family seems to agree, pointing out that his actions make little sense considering if he had stayed, he may have been able to save her life.
Source: ABC Local News, “Family still lacking answers in fatal hit-and-run,” Feb. 4, 2013