While there are traffic statutes that should theoretically standardize conduct on the road, everyone drives a little bit differently. Some of the behaviors that people engage in on public roads are more dangerous than others. Many motorists develop habits that...
Car Accidents
What not to do after a car accident
You may incur significant injuries or property damage if involved in a motor vehicle accident while traveling in North Carolina. If a negligent party caused the crash, you may receive compensation for medical bills or other costs. However, there are several common...
How repeat traffic offenses can worsen penalties in North Carolina
Most people don't see breaking some traffic laws as a big issue. They reason that they will only get a slap on the risk because they will just get a ticket and pay for it through mail or online and move on with their lives. However, having this attitude can cause...
Three of the most dangerous roads for North Carolina drivers
North Carolina is a beautiful state with much to see and do. Whether you're a driver or passenger, most people drive to get around this state. However, there are dangerous roads throughout North Carolina. Knowing about these roads can help you prepare if you must...
These 3 steps are the most important after any car accident
Getting into a car crash is a stressful and life-changing experience. Many different news outlets will provide list after list of things to do after an accident, but these lists can be overwhelming. It can help to know the most important steps to take after a car...
When to watch out for reckless driving during the summer
Drivers in North Carolina are advised to look out for several serious driving hazards this summer. This season comes with increased risk to drivers and pedestrians alike. Knowing the most common causes of accidents will help drivers know what to look out for. These...
Penalties you can get for traffic offenses
Most people think of a traffic offense as an inconvenience more than anything. While that is true, traffic offenses can lead to long-term consequences for the driver, especially if it becomes a recurrent problem. Some traffic offenses are more common than others, and...
Compensation after a car crash
If another party is responsible for causing an accident, you may have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit. A number of parties may be liable including the other driver in the crash, the vehicle manufacturer or agency responsible for maintaining the North...
Tips for driving in low or bright light
As the days start to get shorter, there is a good chance that you'll be on the road as the sun rises in the morning or sets at night. Furthermore, as the sun's angle gets lower in the sky, you may be more vulnerable to driving during periods of extremely bright or low...
Summer driving brings deadly risks
Drivers of all ages must worry about their safety throughout the year. When summertime arrives, they may need to be additionally careful. Summer vacations bring more people to the roads in North Carolina, potentially increasing traffic dangers. Teen drivers may not be...