A North Carolina woman who blew a .16 -- or higher -- on several Breathalyzer tests has had her drunk driving conviction overturned on appeal. The case is a fascinating example of just how seriously the courts take the issue of "probable cause" when the police make a...
Month: June 2019
3 essential elements to include in your parenting plan
Dividing property and money during a divorce may seem complicated, but splitting these may seem simple in comparison to figuring out timesharing with kids. Creating a fundamental visitation agreement is crucial in the success of your post-divorce parenting.A parenting...
Flip-flops and falls: How not to wreck your personal injury case
If you're like a lot of people, you love summer -- and you may spend a good portion of the summer wearing nothing on your feet but flip-flops.That could be a problem. Not only are flip-flops bad for your health, but they also put you in greater danger of a...
North Carolina’s ‘On the Road, On the Water’ campaign has started
For the ninth year in a row, the North Carolina Highway Patrol, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D.) have teamed up to spread the message that it's illegal and unsafe to drink and drive -- whether you're behind...
The most common reasons for car accidents in North Carolina
What are the real dangers to drivers on North Carolina's roads? According to the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (NCDOT), there's no real mystery about what leads to the majority of car accidents in the state. Data from 2017 gives us the following...
Can your spouse actually prevent your divorce?
Most people have heard horror stories about spouses that simply refuse to accept that a marriage is over. They refuse to sign the divorce papers and do everything in their power to stop the divorce from happening.In reality, those days are largely a thing of the past....
2 North Carolina teens killed in deadly car accident
Two North Carolina teenagers, sisters, were killed in a tragic accident on a rural highway when they were attempting to pass a school bus.According to the report by the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, the 16-year-old driver of a 2006 Ford Freestyle tried to...