As prom season is cranking up for high school students all over the county, one Surry County mother is joining the North Carolina State Highway Patrol in their presentation of “Choices.” The program is designed to make students carefully consider how the choices made today will have long-term consequences that could cost them their lives.
This program is especially poignant for the mother. Her son, a star athlete at East Surry High School, died just days after a wreck he was in less than three months ago. FOX8 reported that speed was a factor in the fatality. However, when she addressed the group of her late son’s peers, the mourning mom revealed publicly what had not been reported — her son was sending her a text message when the crash occurred.
Numerous students from Surry County have been killed in car wrecks over the past few years. This mother’s moving testimony of the tragic loss of her son and her inadvertent role in his death served as a cautionary tale to the students. Troopers also encouraged them to consider how careless choices they make affect their loved ones and the community as a whole when tragedy strikes yet again.
Prom season tends to create the perfect storm of danger for young people — a heady sense of carefree invincibility coupled with underage drinking and/or impairment by illegal and other drugs. When texting and driving is added to the mix, tragedy is practically inevitable.
The teens are not the only ones at risk, as everyone they encounter on the highways is exposed to accelerated risks of collisions when young, inattentive and intoxicated drivers get behind the wheel. Those injured and the survivors of drivers or passengers killed by others’ negligence may seek civil compensation for their damages and losses.
Source: WCHP, “Mother of Surry County teen killed in car accident speaks to his peers about choices,” Michael Hennessey, April. 17, 2015