Premises liability is legal term used in cases where a victim suffers injury on another person’s property. This can be private property such as someone’s home or yard and it can be property used by the public such as retail establishments or government premises. In the simplest terms, property owners can be targeted in a premises liability action if they do not take reasonable measures to provide guests, customers and visitors with safe conditions.
If a property owner has failed to comply with these legal obligations and a guest suffers an injury, the victim may hold the owner liable for damages. Some premises liability cases are difficult to prove while others are relatively easy. In all cases, advice and representation from an experienced personal injury attorney will strengthen the victim’s claim.
Many different types of injurious incidents can lead to a premises liability claim, including:
- Slipping and falling on a wet surface
- Suffering an animal attack
- Falling in an unsafe stairwell
- Suffering an assault
Each premises liability case is unique, but victims in North Carolina must prove several elements to find success.
- They must prove the property owner failed to provide safe conditions.
- They must prove they had a legal right to be on the premises.
- They must prove that injuries or damages occurred as a result of the incident.
Many times, an accident on someone’s property results in minor scrapes or bruises. Most people injured in this manner choose to dismiss the incident. However, when serious injury occurs, victims often need to seek a legal remedy so that they can acquire financial compensation for their injury and for any expenses related to the accident.
Source: FindLaw, “What is Plaintiff Side Premises Liability,” accessed Aug. 24, 2017