Getting arrested is naturally unpleasant — but it’s also both physically and legally dangerous.
Tension is usually high for both the accused and the officers making the arrest. If you’ve been watching the news, you’re probably already aware that many police-involved shootings happen during arrests.
To protect yourself during an arrest, follow these tips:
1. Do not offer any resistance
Resisting arrest is never wise. You can’t ultimately improve your position by resisting — but you can make it worse. You’re literally putting your life in danger when you resist an arrest. In addition, you’ll likely end up with additional criminal charges that could affect your defense.
Even if you believe the arrest is unlawful, comply with the officers’ orders. Let your criminal defense attorney handle the legal fight later.
2. Do not threaten the officer
Remember, the officer is just doing his or her job. Remind yourself of that and attempt to be personable and polite. Never threaten the officer personally or professionally. You are not in a good position to antagonize the police when they are in control.
Police officers can often be very helpful to the newly arrested — if they’re inclined. While this process may be scary for you, it’s a matter of routine to the officers. They can actually guide you through it with a minimum of fuss if you let them.
3. Tell the officers if you have medical problems
If you suffer any chronic medical problems that require treatment, whether it’s high blood pressure or diabetes, make sure that you tell the officers at the time of the arrest. If you are injured during the arrest, ask to be evaluated and treated at a hospital.
4. Do not talk about your arrest or the charges with anyone
The best favor that you can do for yourself is to remember that the officers may be professional or nice — but they are not your friends. They will put everything you say into a report.
Do not protest your innocence. Do not discuss the charges. Do not give any unnecessary information about yourself at all. Similarly, remember that anyone in the jail can turn out to be working for the police. You have the absolute right to remain silent — so use it to your advantage.