A tragedy occurred in North Carolina during a recent rain storm. The motorcycle accident involved an automobile and a cyclist. State troopers who responded to the scene indicated that certain factors appear to have led to the fatal crash. As a result, one life was tragically lost in the collision.
The crash occurred during the recent Independence Day holiday. A 58-year-old man, father of two, had taken temporary shelter under a bridge in order to avoid traveling further on his motorcycle during a rainstorm. Shortly before 6 p.m., a 30-year-old woman was headed southbound in her car when it apparently hydroplaned, hit a guardrail and then crashed into the man sitting on his motorcycle.
The motorcyclist was transported to an area medical center for emergency care. It was determined that he needed to be transferred to another facility and an airlift was begun to relocate the patient. Sadly, he succumbed to his injuries en route to the other medical center. State troopers reported that the tires on the woman’s vehicle were in poor condition and that she was traveling at a rate of speed too fast for the weather conditions. These factors are believed to have caused the accident.
When a motorcycle accident results in the loss of life in North Carolina, immediate family members who survive the deceased are often left reeling with grief in the aftermath of their loved one’s untimely death. While there is no replacement for loss of life after a motor vehicle collision, it might comfort grieving families to know that when a crash has been caused by the negligence of another party, they may file a legal claim in a civil court on behalf of their deceased family member. A compensatory award ordered by the court in a successfully litigated case could be used to help absorb some of the unexpected costs families incur because of a fatal accident.
Source: gastongazette.com, “Father of 2 hit, killed on motorcycle“, Kevin Ellis, July 6, 2015