You may incur significant injuries or property damage if involved in a motor vehicle accident while traveling in North Carolina. If a negligent party caused the crash, you may receive compensation for medical bills or other costs. However, there are several common mistakes that you’ll need to avoid to maximize your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome in your case.
Don’t apologize
Apologizing for your actions may be seen as an admission of guilt in the eyes of an insurance company. A judge may also see it as an acknowledgment that you played a role in the crash. Furthermore, you can’t be certain that you could have done anything differently to prevent a wreck from happening. For example, slamming on your brakes to avoid the car that hit yours might have resulted in another car hitting yours or some other negative chain reaction.
Don’t overshare
When talking to your insurance company about a motor vehicle accident, it’s almost always in your best interest to say as little as possible. For instance, you shouldn’t say that you were speeding or that you weren’t paying attention when the crash occurred. Instead, simply say that you were traveling 50 miles per hour when the accident happened or state that your phone had gone off just prior to impact. Absent an admission of guilt, the insurance company will have to work harder to prove its case.
Don’t leave the scene
You have a legal duty to stop at the scene of a crash and render aid. Even if the wreck isn’t your fault, leaving could be interpreted as you had something to hide. Furthermore, violating the law may be used as justification for denying an insurance claim.
The outcome of a personal injury case typically depends on the strength of the evidence presented. However, there may also be a subjective element when determining which lines of evidence are stronger than others. Therefore, it’s important to understand how to craft a positive narrative without lying or omitting key information.