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Set social media guidelines for yourself when divorcing

On Behalf of | Nov 16, 2017 | Family Law |

Nearly everyone in today’s world uses social media in some form. We have all become accustomed to sharing certain aspects of our lives on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a slew of other outlets. In truth, we have grown so comfortable with social media use that we may not recognize its negative effect on divorce and other family law issues.

Most divorce attorneys practicing in North Carolina caution clients about using social media. This is because we know that what you post online may be used against you in divorce court. As a good rule of thumb, we believe the wisest solution is to stop using your accounts altogether until your divorce is resolved. However, if you feel strongly about continuing social media use, set a few strict guidelines to increase your protection.

Here are a few examples of good social media use practices:

  • Set all of your accounts to private and disable location settings
  • Don’t overlook business-related accounts like LinkedIn that may reveal your earning capacity
  • Avoid posting images, especially if they show you or your lifestyle in an unflattering light
  • Resist the urge to talk about a new romance or even a new acquaintance
  • Avoid spewing your anger and badmouthing your spouse in any way online
  • Don’t delete posts or remove information as this could be seen as hiding evidence by a family law court

As you can see, using social media while divorcing complicates the issue in many different ways and can have a serious negative effect on your case. In the end, it is better for you and your divorce to abstain from its use altogether. We offer additional advice about family law issues in North Carolina on our website. Please take a moment to visit us online.


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